Thanks for being a part of the Passion Play's cast!
This page is for cast in training. The Great Passion Play is a copyrighted production. Not for distribution or resale.
This page is for cast in training. The Great Passion Play is a copyrighted production. Not for distribution or resale.
Tentative Rehearsal Schedule
- Not all of our rehearsals will be full cast rehearsals. Before March 31, many of these will be blocking and run-through rehearsal with certain parts/scenes
- March 10--Disciples, Jesus, and Mary Group (Room 1 parts)
- March 17--Sanhedrin Priests, Sanhedrin Soldiers, Romans 1 and 2, and Jesus (Room 2 Parts)
- March 20--Room 3 and 4 Group and Jesus (Pilate, Herod, Trial and Crucifixion Scenes with Room 3 and 4 Parts)
- March 24 and 27--Full Cast rehearsals
- March 31--(auditions for principal roles--you will be given a certain scene for the part to perform)
- Most of these rehearsals can/will be paid rehearsals.
- Auditions for principal parts for our opening weekends of shows will be on March 31. (Full Run through rehearsal on April 5.)
- April 14 and 15 are scheduled in case of bad weather. If good weather on Monday, we will not have the Tuesday rehearsal.
New Original Musical Score for 2025
This is linked to most up-to-date scripting and changes within the script for 2025. The entire score is in one of the downloads, but each part's script is also listed. From the brain to the page to the stage and perform!
These links are copyright protected. You may not share or distribute them beyond our cast.
These links are copyright protected. You may not share or distribute them beyond our cast.
You can use the coupon code "freevideo" to watch a 2022 Passion Play performance on Vimeo.
Watch The Great Passion Play 2022 Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo
Watch The Great Passion Play 2022 Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo