The Holy Land Tour is performed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas on the grounds of the Great Passion Play. Guests are transported back in time as they walk through a full-sized replica of the East Jerusalem Gate and Marketplace to Biblically inspired exhibits which include Moses’ Tabernacle in the Wilderness, Bethlehem Inn and the Nativity, the Upper Room, the Garden Tomb, the Walk with Peter, and other exhibits which depict life in Bible times. All exhibits have been researched archaeologically and historically for authenticity.
Holy Land Tour was filmed on June 15 & 16, 2022. Holy Land Tour is 1 hour run time. |
![]() If My Peopleby Jack E. Dawson If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 The artist had originally thought the hands mending the flag would be a founding father, but as he sketched the original painting his mind was drawn to the scars of Christ and His promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Here the nail-scarred hands of Jesus mend our flag, just as His tender hands will mend the heart of our nation if His people pray! The tattered flag speaks of neglect and unconcern for our founding principles as bullet holes proclaim the spiritual and physical warfare waged for our freedom. One blood-tinged hole symbolizes the sacrifice of the flag bearer. The image of an unborn child testifies that life is precious at any age, but notice that the face of evil rises in the smoke of the Twin Towers. Though we live in a world of violence and tragedy, the crimson thread that brings wholeness to the flag illustrates the hope and healing brought by the crimson thread of His death, burial and resurrection that is woven throughout the Bible. Can you see His people praying in the flag? Are you praying and seeking His face? He promises if we do, He will hear and forgive and heal our land. ![]() Save $23 on adult tickets,
$17 on youth tickets (ages 12-16), and $13.50 on child tickets (ages 4-11). Click here to get this special Black Friday Deal! Come to the Passion Play on Friday, November 30 after the Eureka Springs Christmas parade for a very special event. Click here to learn more!
A Christian foremost, a husband and father of five, Don Willis is a Marine Corps veteran with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and has spent a majority of his career in law enforcement and investigations. Don also has a tremendous amount of international experience and has spent several years living in Japan, Russia, and the UK. It is through these unique experiences and his Christian faith that Don has gained a deeper insight into human nature. In his role, he is often exposed to people going through the worst time in their lives. It has allowed him to have a deeper understanding of the thoughts and motivations that people experience when they make mistakes and they genuinely want to make things right. Through these experiences, Don has also learned to appreciate the value of finding ways to help the youth of today make better decisions to avoid problems later in life. Because of this passion, he has also done a great deal of work volunteering with youth organizations his entire life. Today Don works and resides with his family in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Comment below to let us know you are coming! ![]() Lucas Miles, author of Good God, will be visiting the Passion Play grounds on Friday, July 29! Will you be able to be here and hear his story? God is neither responsible for your pain, nor is He allowing it. In fact, He is against it and wants nothing more than to prevent it.Deep inside every person is a hope that God is good. Yet faced with personal hardship or the world's tragedies, it's easy to doubt God's character and to blame Him for our pain. Good God unpacks our misguided concepts of God so that we can begin to see Him as he truly is -- pure, loving, and completely good. If you've wondered if God is testing you -- or perhaps worse, punishing you, you are not alone. Most of us want to believe that God is good, but we cannot find a way to harmonize God's goodness with the evil that exists in this world. Good God introduces the God that we all want to believe in but have been too afraid to embrace. With the Bible as his guide, Lucas takes readers on a journey to uncover the lost and forgotten nature of the Creator of the Universe and discover a real relationship with God. Not only is God not dead, but Lucas's book shows us that he is even better than we previously thought!-- Kevin Sorbo, actor, God's Not Dead
7 DVDs of events on The Great Passion Play grounds
-The Great Passion Play 2004 -The Great Passion Play 1985 -New Holy Land -The Tabernacle 2001 teaching by Dick Ludig -The Tabernacle 1994 teaching by Jim Thorner - A Walk with Peter Available for purchase for $55 with free shipping As a mom, couldn’t you use a peaceful night out? This Mother's Day, join with others around the country in celebrating the moms in your congregation and community with the heartfelt drama of The Great Passion Play. Friday May 8th and Saturday May 9th at 8:30 p.m.
AuthorThe Great Passion Play is devoted to making the Scriptures come alive! Archives
November 2024