We still have a ways to go with the restoration of the museum, but we are thankful to have it weather tight!
Thanks to the hard work of our work crews Missouri Campers on Mission, the Crawford Family and their church, Stanley Cassidy, Steve and Kelly Smith, many others, and the roofing/construction lead Denny and Linda Ball assisted by Mark Scott, we were able to complete the roofing of the Sacred Arts Museum. This was a gargantuan task. We started on Monday, April 5, 2021 with taking off the old tile and finished taking it off on Friday, April 9, 2021. Putting on the new metal faux tile roof, took some time, but due to the hard work and perseverance of Denny and Mark, we were able to finish the project on Friday, May 14, 2021. We still have a ways to go with the restoration of the museum, but we are thankful to have it weather tight!
If My Peopleby Jack E. Dawson If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 The artist had originally thought the hands mending the flag would be a founding father, but as he sketched the original painting his mind was drawn to the scars of Christ and His promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Here the nail-scarred hands of Jesus mend our flag, just as His tender hands will mend the heart of our nation if His people pray! The tattered flag speaks of neglect and unconcern for our founding principles as bullet holes proclaim the spiritual and physical warfare waged for our freedom. One blood-tinged hole symbolizes the sacrifice of the flag bearer. The image of an unborn child testifies that life is precious at any age, but notice that the face of evil rises in the smoke of the Twin Towers. Though we live in a world of violence and tragedy, the crimson thread that brings wholeness to the flag illustrates the hope and healing brought by the crimson thread of His death, burial and resurrection that is woven throughout the Bible. Can you see His people praying in the flag? Are you praying and seeking His face? He promises if we do, He will hear and forgive and heal our land.
A section will be unveiled at the dinner and concert featuring Gordon Mote on November 2! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. — John 3:16 (KJV) “The Passion Tree” tells the greatest story ever told. God’s Word never ends. His story never ends. And we are part of His story! There are a lot of hidden pictures and symbolism to find. See how many you can answer.
The story is told of a man who rejected God for years. His family followed Jesus, and one Christmas Eve while they were at church, something happened that changed his life forever. It was cold and snowy, and while he was sitting in his nice warm home, he heard a thump on his front window. Then there was another, and another. A flock of geese were lost and trying to find a safe place. They were worn out from wandering around in the cold and he wanted to help them, so he ran to his barn and turned on the lights so they would know where to go. But they wouldn’t go in where it was warm, so he tried putting seeds and food along the path to lead them to safety. He even tried to get behind them and shoo them in. But everything He did only scared them more. Finally he gave up, but he was so sad; he thought, “If only I could be like one of them. Then I could show them the way, and they wouldn’t be afraid of me.” Just then he heard the church bells ring, and understood what God had done for him. God came to earth as a tiny baby, Jesus. He became a man just like us to show all of us the Way. This Christmas Day as we give gifts to each other, we’ll offer Him our gifts of praise and honor, and thank Him for His wonderful gift to us. “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes on Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 Today's Prayer God and Father, thank You for loving us and wanting us to know You. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to give us the way. What a gift! We give gifts to each other today because we want to show our love. How sad we would be if we went to all the trouble of giving a gift to someone and they wouldn’t even take it! Christmas Day shows You have given us the greatest gift of forgiveness and everlasting life. Thank You for Your gift, Jesus! Today's Activity: Each day of the calendar is a bigger picture of an ornament on “The Passion Tree.” Both tell the story of God’s plan for the world from Genesis to Revelation. Have the children locate their favorite event depicted on the Passion Tree and talk about one thing they learned about that story. Seek & Find Answer to the question above:#1 - The Tree - The tree represents the entire message. You’ll notice the tree is scaled much too large for the landscape. This is to illustrate the incomprehensible dimensions of God’s Word and His Plan for us. #2 - The Red Garland - The red garland that is woven throughout the tree never ends. It connects the ornaments and candles and represents what some have called “the crimson thread.” It symbolizes the blood of Christ. His life is woven through all history from eternity past to eternity future. #3 - The Story - The story begins in the paintings of the ornaments, starting at the lower left on the tree and chronologically follows the crimson garland coursing to the topper. There are 12 ornaments that show events in the Old Testament and 12 ornaments that illustrate events in the New Testament. #4 - The Crowns and Star - The red garland continues past the last ornament into the crown of thorns, which is now budding with life because Jesus is alive! At the top of the tree you’ll see a star representing the glory of God. The seven lights remind us of the perfection of God and His seven-fold nature. In the center of the crown of thorns there is a majestic crown that conveys the confident truth that Jesus is coming again and will reign, as KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, forever and ever. #5 - Red Ornaments - Down the center of the tree, the red ornaments form a cross. Believing in Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross is the only way to heaven. The Bible says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 NIV #6 - 33 Candles - There are 33 candles. Jesus was born and walked on earth for 33 years in the form of a man. You can see an image of Christ in each flame, which illustrates the fact that in this dark world, He is the only true Light. #7 - Map of the World - There are some people under the tree carrying the Light to others who are walking in darkness. The snow-covered landscape suggests a map of the entire globe because this Message is for every person on the face of the earth. #8 - John 3:16 - The reference is found in the stars next to the Baby Jesus ornament. God loves you and has prepared a way for you to live with Him in heaven! What do you see in the painting that can help us remember what Jesus has done for us? And I saw a great white throne, and I saw the one who was sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from His presence, but they found no place to hide. I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in the books, according to what they had done. — Revelation 20:11-12 (NLT)
God will finally have to deal with everyone who has chosen to disobey. He is the perfect Judge of right and wrong. He says the penalty for sin is death, but He doesn’t want anyone to die, so Jesus came to take our place. He is the only way we can escape Hell, the place where He will send the devil and his demons forever. Everyone who refuses God’s way will someday have to stand before the Great White Throne of God. (Revelation 20:11-12) Then they will not have any excuse for rejecting God’s Son, Jesus. If we believe in Jesus as God’s only way to Heaven, we will never have to stand at the Great White Throne. When we follow Him, we already have everlasting life, and our place will be at the Judgment Seat of Christ. He loves us and wants to be with us, so we never have any reason to fear His judgment, but II Corinthians 5: 9-10 says we should “…make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” Today's Prayer Thank You, God, for doing so much to keep us from having to die for our sins. Calvary’s cross, where You had to take on every sin of the world, must have been even more horrible than the lake of fire could be for us. Thank You for loving us so much. We give You our praise, Jesus, as our Christmas gift to You. Today's Activity: Tell the children you are going to have a time of praise and thanksgiving for God’s plan to save us. Ask each one to choose a song that praises Him. Then lead them in a time of prayer, encouraging each one to tell Him at least one thing for which they are thankful. Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above: The cross. Jesus sits on the Great White Throne with the cross behind Him. Do you see the red comets shooting out from the cross? There are there to remind us of His sacrifice for us. There is no "Seek and Find" in today's painting. What would you add if you were the artist? And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died. We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. — 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 (NLT)
God’s plan is still playing out. For many believers, life on earth will end and they will move on to Heaven. But for those who are alive when He comes, here is what will happen. God’s trumpet will sound, and Jesus Christ will come in the clouds. He will come with a shout and call Christians who have died to rise from their graves. Then, Christians who are alive will be raised up in the sky, right to where He is! Does that make you want to praise God? Do you want to say, “Thank You” to think that we will never be separated again when He comes? We will see Him face to face when He calls His children to be by His side. Then, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, we will be changed. We will have new bodies that are made for eternity – never to sin or be sick or die. Are you His child? Do you belong to Him? Are you excited about spending eternity with the One who gave His life so we can live forever? Today's Prayer Lord, You tell us Jesus will come back when we aren’t expecting Him. When He comes, we’ll probably be living like any other day. Please help us to watch faithfully for You, so we aren’t taken by surprise. Please help us be ready to welcome You with great joy. Today's Activity: Ask the children what they think they will do on their first day in Heaven. Have them draw a picture of it. Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above: There is no “Seek & Find” in today’s painting. What would you add if you were the artist? Can you find the dove in the painting? What do you think the empty jugs represent? On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit. — Acts 2:1-4a (NLT)
Before Jesus went back to Heaven, He told His disciples to wait because He was going to send them a gift called the Holy Spirit of God. They obeyed Him and waited, and 50 days later on the day of Pentecost, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Because of the great power they received they would never be the same. Today, everyone who believes in Jesus has the same Holy Spirit living in them. Because of what God did at Pentecost, we have His power. Jesus told them that the Holy Spirit would give them power to be His witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Do you know what a witness is? When the Holy Spirit filled the believers at Pentecost, they began to think like Christ… and walk like Christ… and understand things they couldn’t understand before. They had become Christians, God’s children. Do you have the mind of Christ? Are you walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, like Christ? Are you a Christian? Today's Prayer Lord, it is awesome to read how You sent the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in a sound to wake them up, a wind to make them move, a fire that would shine for the world to see, and tongues that would make them speak. Please keep us awake to hear Your Word. Help us move when You tell us to “go,” and use our tongues for You. Change our lives so we walk like Jesus. Shine Your light through us and fill our hearts with fire to share Your Good News. Today's Activity: Read Acts 2:1-13. Present each child a beautifully gift-wrapped night light that represents the Holy Spirit. Discuss how its light can remind them of the light of truth God’s Holy Spirit brings to believers. Talk about why Jesus told His disciples to “be His witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth,” and remind them of His Great Commission (day 15). Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above: The dove is right behind the standing believer. It represents the coming of the Holy Spirit. Flames of fire are also a sign of the Holy Spirit. Empty vessels (jugs) sit at the front of the room like the believers waiting to be filled. What is happening is this painting? Do you know where this is taking place? Can you find something in the painting that will help you find out? It was not long after he said this that he was taken up into the sky while they were watching, and he disappeared into a cloud. — Acts 1:9 (NLT)
After Jesus came back to life, He spent the next forty days telling people about the Kingdom of God. Then while He was speaking to them and blessing them, He rose into the sky. He had finished the work God called Him to do. In His resurrected body, He moved from this physical world into the spiritual world. His disciples saw Him rise into the clouds, and it changed their lives completely. It should change our lives today. How do you think you would have felt if you’d been there? How do you think knowing Jesus is alive will change your life? He has promised to come back for all who believe in Him. When He comes back, He will take His followers to a wonderful, beautiful place that He is building. Have you given your life to the God who loves you and has plans for you? Have you given your heart to the God who has all power and authority and wants to make your life better? He is a wonderful Savior, and He gives us the right to choose His way. He is not a good way, or even a great way to Heaven – He is the ONLY way. Today's Prayer Lord, thank You for showing us that this life is only the beginning of what You have planned for us. Thank You for such clear words and pictures about life after death. Lord Jesus, You stepped from this world we can see into the real world we can’t see to get our place there ready. Because of what You did for us, some day we really will be able to see You face to face, and live with You forever. Today's Activity: Ask the children what they think Heaven will be like. Name several things about Heaven that will be different from the earth where we now live. (Suggested reading, “Heaven for Kids” by Randy Alcorn) Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above: Jesus is rising into Heaven. Scripture tells us He is rising from the mountain just outside Jerusalem. The top of the globe is seen and it appears that Christ is rising from the area of the Israel. What is Jesus doing in this painting? What is He holding in His hands? Can you see something that lets us know how much God loves Him? Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”
— John 20:1-2 (NIV) God’s plan had not failed! Death and Satan did not win! After three days in the tomb, Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important thing that ever happened in the history of the world. What do your history books say is important? It is even more important than Christmas Day, when we celebrate His birth, and Good Friday, when we remember His crucifixion. If He had never risen from the grave, none of the other things would mean very much. Jesus is the only One who has ever won over death, and He did it for us. We can live forever with Him. Even when we face death, it is just a way to real life in heaven with God. Even when our friends and family die, we know we will see them again if they have accepted Him. All who trust in Christ will live forever. Have you trusted in Christ? Today's Prayer Lord, sometimes it seems like the world is winning, just like it did to the disciples when Jesus was crucified. Please help us always remember You did exactly what You told us You would do. You overcame the world. You conquered death. And You give us Your power to win if we trust You. Teach us to praise You as Lord. Today's Activity: Think of someone you knew who died and was a Christian. What did this person do while they were on earth to show that they were a Christian? If you are a believer, you have a great promise from God that you will see them again. Discuss things that this person could be doing right now in Heaven. Ephesians 3:21 says that the Lord is able to do more than we can imagine. So let your imaginations go! Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above: Jesus is breaking through the power of the tomb. In His hands are flames of fire that represent the power of hell and death. The heart around Him is the heart of God who is with Him forever. Does something seem wrong with this picture?As evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea who was one of Jesus’ followers, went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. And Pilate issued an order to release it to him. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a long linen cloth. He placed it in his own new tomb, which had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a great stone across the entrance as he left. — Matthew 27:57-60 (NLT)
When Jesus died, it seemed like God’s plan had failed. Satan and his demons were sure they had won and they cheered as they watched Him die on the cross. But everything that happened was in God’s control, and the Son of Man had only just begun. Jesus is the Rock of Ages and the Chief Cornerstone, so the tomb where they buried Him was carved out of the rocky hillside. Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden when he first sinned, and Jesus won His battle in the Garden of Gethsemane and then was laid in a borrowed tomb in a garden to bring us back to God. But the grave could not hold Christ, and He changed what the grave means for us, forever. He rose from the dead. The Bible says just as Jesus died and rose again, we will also be raised to new life in Him, if we know Him as our personal Savior and Lord. All during His time of suffering, they kept telling Jesus to show His power and escape. But He knew He would show His greatest power when He defeated death. His tomb is empty, and it reminds us of God’s mighty power to carry out His purpose and plan. Today's PrayerLord, sometimes it seems like the world is winning, just like it did to the disciples when Jesus was crucified. Please help us always remember You did exactly what You told us You would do. You overcame the world. You conquered death. And You give us Your power to win if we trust You. Teach us to praise You as Lord. Today's Activity:Have the children go online or search a good Bible concordance, find as many Scriptures as they can that refer to Jesus as “Rock, or Stone,” and read and discuss them. Have the younger children draw a picture of Jesus defeating Satan. Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above: Why is the body lying outside the tomb, instead of inside, where you would expect a body to be? It is because Jesus is stronger than the tomb, where DEATH and HELL and SATAN belong. |
AuthorThe Great Passion Play is devoted to making the Scriptures come alive! Archives
November 2024