Does something seem wrong with this picture?
When Jesus died, it seemed like God’s plan had failed. Satan and his demons were sure they had won and they cheered as they watched Him die on the cross. But everything that happened was in God’s control, and the Son of Man had only just begun. Jesus is the Rock of Ages and the Chief Cornerstone, so the tomb where they buried Him was carved out of the rocky hillside. Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden when he first sinned, and Jesus won His battle in the Garden of Gethsemane and then was laid in a borrowed tomb in a garden to bring us back to God. But the grave could not hold Christ, and He changed what the grave means for us, forever. He rose from the dead. The Bible says just as Jesus died and rose again, we will also be raised to new life in Him, if we know Him as our personal Savior and Lord. All during His time of suffering, they kept telling Jesus to show His power and escape. But He knew He would show His greatest power when He defeated death. His tomb is empty, and it reminds us of God’s mighty power to carry out His purpose and plan.
Today's PrayerLord, sometimes it seems like the world is winning, just like it did to the disciples when Jesus was crucified. Please help us always remember You did exactly what You told us You would do. You overcame the world. You conquered death. And You give us Your power to win if we trust You. Teach us to praise You as Lord.
Today's Activity:Have the children go online or search a good Bible concordance, find as many Scriptures as they can that refer to Jesus as “Rock, or Stone,” and read and discuss them. Have the younger children draw a picture of Jesus defeating Satan.
Seek & Find Answer to the question in the painting above:
Why is the body lying outside the tomb, instead of inside, where you would expect a body to be? It is because Jesus is stronger than the tomb, where DEATH and HELL and SATAN belong.